Some of Wyoming's best trophy hunting is done in Areas (units) that require waiting years to draw or by purchasing commissioner's licenses at an auction. Accumulating preference points can take years with some areas taking four to sixteen preference points to draw a coveted elk license. For many elk hunters waiting all these years is worth it to access the lands that hold the 340-400+ inch class bulls in Wyoming's best areas.
If you have preference points and are looking for somewhere to use them OR want to start accumulating preference points to book a future hunt, please contact our office for more information at 1-800-303-1304
We hunt the private lands areas just north of the Wyoming border in the Tongue and Powder River drainages. Please call our office for more information while this page is under construction - toll-free 1-800-303-1304...
For the hunter that wants to have all of the comforts of home and more, this hunt is done from a five-star log lodge facility located in the mountains close to the Utah border and hunting is conducted on over 800,000 acres of private lands that reach...
All hunting in Quebec and the Nunavik Territory is now closed for the foreseeable future. Likely for more than 50+ years while caribou populations recover. While once numbering in excess of 1.4 million animals, there are now fewer than 150,000 prompt...