Some of Wyoming's best trophy hunting is done in Areas (units) that require waiting years to draw or by purchasing commissioner's licenses at an auction. Accumulating preference points can take years with some areas taking four to sixteen preference points to draw a coveted elk license. For many elk hunters waiting all these years is worth it to access the lands that hold the 340-400+ inch class bulls in Wyoming's best areas.
If you have preference points and are looking for somewhere to use them OR want to start accumulating preference points to book a future hunt, please contact our office for more information at 1-800-303-1304
The NWT is the premier trophy Mountain Caribou hunt in North America. Not only are the mountain caribou of incredible size but their populations are very good and the ability to access the hunting areas via helicopter makes this hunt accessible for a...
This Alberta hunting operation is family run and limited to only three mule deer & whitetail combination hunters each season. Additionally there are three whitetail only hunts booked each season. Two hunters each week are booked and stay at the f...
The ultimate whitetail hunt is found in the foothills of the eastern slope of the Bighorn Mountains. This is where you can see hundreds of deer in a single alfalfa field and look at over 20-30 bucks a day on average (if not a lot more) while covering...