The coastal mountains of British Columbia are loaded with big mountain goats, but access is very limited. Our clients will fly into a remote lake on a floatplane. Then use a boat to access the extensive waterways glassing the surrounding mountains for goats. Some hunts can be a day climb up and back with a goat in a single day. Other hunts will require packing a camp up the mountain and stay a few days to a week hunting from a spike camp location until a mature trophy goat is found.
This is not a hunt for someone who is not in the good physical condition and mentally tough. We will only book two hunters a year for these physical but rewarding trophy hunts. One hunter August 20-29 and the other September 1-10 with a possibility of two hunters coming together and going to separate spike camps during the same dates to use both hunts.
Capable and serious hunters only please - call our office at 1-800-303-1304 for more information.
14-Day Stone Sheep Hunting Package Stone Sheep Hunts are expensive and physically demanding.... but they are also very rewarding hunts. We book our clients into camps all across Northern British Columbia and in the Yukon Territory as well. Hunts will...
Hunt our remote West Texas private ranches where we have amazing populations of Barbary Sheep (Aoudad Sheep) in resident incredible populations, managed for long-term trophy hunting quality and a true Texas sheep hunting experience. These ranches are...
We hunt the caribou of the middle ridge herd from mid-October through mid-November when they are congregated on the rutting grounds. We fly out to hunt (same-day airborne is legal) and if needed overnight in spike camps. Most hunting is done from a r...