The ultimate whitetail hunt is found in the foothills of the eastern slope of the Bighorn Mountains. This is where you can see hundreds of deer in a single alfalfa field and look at over 20-30 bucks a day on average (if not a lot more) while covering thousands of acres of private lands glassing deer and looking for a great buck to stalk to within rifle range. The September archery hunters do well hunting the bucks from ground blinds and tree stands along the travel routes to and from the alfalfa fields and the October-November rifle hunters pursue them from a distance, however, any clients who wish to hunt from a stand/blind location can request to do this as well.
Hunters stay in the new and spacious lodge and eat home-cooked meals during their stay. And 4wd trucks are used to access the hunting areas every day and the hunting areas are in close proximity to the lodge. Hunters have the option of hunting by spot and stalk, or from blinds/stands, both elevated and ground locations.
Deer & Antelope Licenses are easily obtained and Steve's Outdoor Adventures staff will handle all of the license forms and paperwork for our clients.
Please call our office today for more information on these phenomenal whitetail deer hunts.
This hunt has been our top "Trophy" Black bear area for a long time. Many of our clients have taken bears squaring between 6' 6" and 7' 6" and each spring multiple clients take bears with 20"-21" + sized skulls. This is an easy hunt that anyone can e...
These safaris are conducted on 46,000 contiguous acres of Kalahari Eden which is privately owned and operated by the family. The operation is complete with a full staff of Professional Hunters, Trackers, Skinners, and Lodge Staff. The ranch is situat...
Oregon is one of the best elk-hunting states in the West, with over 150,000 elk in the state's population. We offer hunts with a handful of licensed outfitters and guides, some within minutes of the Steve's Outdoor Adventures Headquarters in Northeas...