These hunts are done in the Powder River country east of Buffalo, WY where the open sagebrush prairie gives way to the broken landscape of creek bottoms and badlands looking terrain. The area has incredible populations of mule deer and pronghorn antelope - making it an ideal location for a combination mule deer & antelope hunt. Hunters stay in a comfortable lodging facility a short drive from the hunting area and eat home-cooked meals. Our clients are the only hunters of the year on approximately 50,000 acres of private lands. This means world-class hunting for SOA clients.
Steve's Outdoor Adventures handles all license forms - insuring everyone gets a license and removes the burden of paperwork from our clients.
Contact our office at 1-800-303-1304 for more information on these hunts and the availability of dates!
Oregon is one of the best elk-hunting states in the West, with over 150,000 elk in the state's population. We offer hunts with a handful of licensed outfitters and guides, some within minutes of the Steve's Outdoor Adventures Headquarters in Northeas...
These hunts are conducted with our longest-standing outfitter in Wyoming, located in the Sheridan region. They have over 100,000 acres of private lands under management in Wyoming Regions C and Y. The NEW main lodge is located Northeast of Sheridan, ...
This is one of the nicest spring black bear hunting camps in all of Canada - built on a lake with excellent fishing, and near all of the hunting locations, this is a premium spring black bear hunt with all of the comforts of home and then some. We hu...